Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Week 38 Newsletter

Dear TK Parents,

I smiled as I typed "Week 38 Newsletter" because it reminded me of my pregnancy.  I delivered my daughter at exactly 38 weeks.  During my 38 week pregnancy - so many changes happened to my body but more importantly, so much growth and development occurred while my daughter was living inside me.  I'm using my personal experience as an analogy of the growth and development of your children during our 38 week journey in TK.  I have seen so much growth! Last week I began my end of the year assessment.  Yes, not all of your children know EVERYTHING but I feel confident to say that it's ok not to know everything.  Even as adults, we still learn something new each day or are inspired to do something new.  I am so proud to say that of all my students, most know some to all TK sight words, can add and subtract, know all their shapes, and can identify the letters and sounds of the alphabet.  I am most proud that they have become more confident and mature during this journey.

This Friday is our TK/K Picnic.  It will be at school in our small playground and small field.  You are all welcome to join us for some fun.  Please contact our room parents if you are interested in helping.  All helpers need to be fingerprinted and safe environment trained.  If you do not meet the volunteer criteria, you are still welcome to come; however, you will be unable to assist the children with the activities.  Should you have any questions regarding volunteering, please come speak with me.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Paragas